The Aunties Dandelion

Auntie Lori Campbell (Cree-Métis) Cultural Healer/IndigiQueer Activist

Episode Summary

AUNTIE: Wa’tkwanonhweráton Sewakwé:kon – on this episode of The Aunties Dandelion we visit with Lori Campbell a formidable justice warrior, Intergenerational residential school survivor, Indigiqueer Auntie… she’s scholar and and recent contender on the reality show Canada’s Ultimate Challenge. Lori is a member of Montreal Lake First Nation Treaty 6 Territory and spent decades on a quest to piece her family back together after she and her siblings were taken from her mom by Canada’s government. It’s estimated 20 thousand Indigenous children suffered the same fate as the Campbells in what’s known as Canada’s Sixties Scoop. Lori walks us through the details of her grueling journey which eventually let the assurance she encountered when she finally met her birth family. LORI: All those times that I was sitting wondering if anybody thought of me. You know I would say to anybody out there who has been separated from their family never doubt that our people don’t think of us. That they are not longing for us and missing us and loving us and wanting the best for us. AUNTIE: Lori takes her Auntie role seriously and she competed in Canada’s Ultimate Challenge in order to reveal a more complete narrative of Indigenous people than the media typicall shows us. LORI: People weren’t just seeing me but they were seeing… our people and the strength that we bring right? Not our victimhood. But our strength. AUNTIE: Despite suffering a devastating injury – Lori made us all proud and amazed with her determination. So make sure you keep listening. We are Yéthi Nihsténha ne Tekarónyakénare. The Aunties Dandelion. We’re focused on revitalizing our communities through stories of land, language, and relationships. And we want to say Nyá:wenkò:wa – or big thanks – to Canada’s Indigenous Screen Office – teyonhkiwihstekénha – for making this podcast possible through their New Media fund. We make space here for real conversations to unfold like we’re visiting in our communities. So take a breath, make some tea – and listen to your Aunties. And when you are done – please follow us, provide some feedback, and share these visits with others. It helps us continue these visits together.